Travel Finance

Top tips for traveling with kids

Let’s face it: Traveling with kids is very different to traveling alone. When you’re traveling with people who depend on you to survive, you’re likely to be a little more stressed. Particularly when you’re flying and you spot the horror on the faces of people near you when you’re bringing your kids.

But traveling with kids doesn’t have to be a stressful, exhausting experience. Sure, it’s never going to be as fun and carefree as when you were traveling kid-free, but with some planning, you can cut out a large part of the stress.

Not to mention, traveling with kids is hugely rewarding. Introducing your children to new places and experiences is an amazing feeling, and you’ll love seeing their faces light up when they experience something new.

Here are some top tips for traveling with kids in 2019:

Explore by bike

Biking is a great way to explore a new city or town. Not only is it faster than walking, but kids love biking and they’ll get to expend some of that energy so you’re not holding out for nap time. If you’ll be heading to the beach, consider grabbing some kids beach bikes. Unfortunately, kids don’t like to lie down and read a book at the beach for long (wouldn’t this be nice?), so keeping them entertained is key.

If your parents are coming along on a family vacation, look into the best bicycles for seniors. This will ensure that you have fun for the whole family. Heading to a city destination? No worries, find a safe place to explore and find some city bikes for sale before you travel.

Plan in advance

When you’re traveling with kids, you can’t afford to ‘see how it goes.’ Instead, you need to plan your travel to account for overexcited kids who will probably need a nap at some stage.

For this reason, it’s a good idea to begin looking at flights well in advance. This will help you get the best prices for direct flights- meaning you won’t have to stop in an airport on the way, and you’ll shorten your journey significantly.

You may also want to hire a car, as this will give you much more freedom when it comes to exploring the sights. If the kids get tired, you can head back to the hotel, and you can easily switch to a new activity when necessary.


It’s easy to get stressed out at the thought of traveling with kids. But often, kids are actually better travelers than a lot of adults. Explain to them what will happen at the airport, and start talking about your trip well in advance. You’re likely to find that your kids will surprise you with how well-behaved they really are.


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